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BALL night fight against Testicular Cancer

BALL night fight against Testicular Cancer

Graham Loughran17 Oct 2019 - 09:33
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Join us to raise awareness and funds

Most testicular cancers occur between the ages of 15 and 40. However, this cancer can affect males of any age, including infants and elderly men. Race and ethnicity: The risk of testicular cancer among white men is about five to 10 times that of African-American men and more than twice that of Asian-American men.

Thames RFC are raising awareness and funds to fight Testicular Cancer with the BALL night. On 30th November from 7pm onwards Thames RFC event men and women to join them in the fight against Testicular cancer.

You must come dress appropriately for a Ball with a bow tie (those who don't will be fined £1) entry fee £5 all going 100% to the charity. We will be playing ball games (not with the male type), we will have a Raffle with prizes donated by ODD BALLS, come along and enjoy a social night with meaning.

30th November 2019 from 7pm, all welcome.
For more information please contact
Graham Loughran on 07970734379

Further reading