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The Return of Cricket Net Practice

The Return of Cricket Net Practice

Tim Lamb25 May 2020 - 18:48
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Important steps taken in order to allow the return to cricket net practice.

Under ECB guidelines it is now possible for members to start using the net facilities at Thorley Cricket Club. Under the current situation there are obviously several measures that need to be taken to ensure player safety.
Initially the club will make netting times available to paid up senior members as of 2019 only. We hope to allow junior members who have played hard ball cricket to have access to the netting facility once the committee are happy that the processes are working well and that player safety is being maintained to the best of ALL our abilities.
Netting will commence from Wednesday 27th May 2020.
An online booking system has been set up, initially nets will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Bookings are for 30 minutes with an additional 15 minutes built in for booking slot changeover. The booking system address is:

Thorley CC Booking System

Whilst the committee are supporting the initiative for members to be able to start some forms of cricket practice it is EVERYONES responsibility to ensure their own and others safety whilst at the club so please read the following steps closely.
1. Bookings must be made via the website, no exceptions. The person making the booking must ensure they choose a partner to net with them. If anyone attending nets falls unwell with COVID 19 symptoms they should NOT attend the club.
2. Prior to a member making a booking they, and their practice partner, must read the following documents that are available on the TCC website:
- TCC Risk Assessment COVID 19 Net Practice
- ECB Outdoor Facilities COVID 19
- Hand Washing
- Alcohol Rub Washing
- Social Distancing Guidelines

The link to these documents can be found here

TCC COVID 19 Documents

3. Players will bring their own equipment, the club will NOT lend any equipment other than the net, ball and stumps. Balls can be purchased if members wish to do so and it might be prudent for people to either bring a ball or purchase one. Balls will be available for purchase via the website at a cost of £10. The committee would prefer all members to wear cricket helmets when batting for safety and first aid reasons.
4. Members driving to the club must park away from other cars in the car park maintaining social distancing rules
5. The toilets and clubhouse will be closed to members.
6. Members must bring a towel to clean any sweat or saliva from the ball and alcohol hand gel to maintain a safe level of cleanliness
7. A member of the committee will be at the net to ensure social distancing rules are adhered to.
8. Any member not adhering to the guidelines will be asked to leave and will not be permitted to book another net session.
9. By making a booking the member agrees to abide by all of the above requests which are designed to ensure the safety of everyone whilst in attendance at the ground.

If there are any questions regarding the procedures for safe netting then please direct them to myself in the first instance.

Thank you
Tim – Chairman TCC

Further reading