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TSC in brief..

TSC in brief..

Cengiz Ilhan5 Jul 2020 - 16:59
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Thank you to all those who participated in The Great Timperley Auction!

This is a big thank you to all those who participated in The Great Timperley Auction and which ended on the 20th June. All of the auctions lots have now been distributed (almost !) and the various pledges of holidays, hedge-cutting and cake-baking services should now be underway. After the auction sites fees were deducted just over £6,300 was eventually raised is a great start towards our fundraising target of £20,000 towards the Green Pitch Project.

But, we’re not over the line yet…. we do have a commitment to hit that target and so that’s why we have launched our, ‘nothing square about buying a square’ campaign. We know that these are challenging times for all of us, but if you are able to make a contribution, we can gift aid it and claim a further 25% on your donation. Please follow this link and help us in any way you can – thank you.

Nothing square about buying a square.

Work on the pitch gets underway on Monday 6th July, which of course, means we will only have the blue pitch for the next 5 or 6 weeks. Section chairs have been working on a schedule to share access to this and the grass outfield and will be publishing details shortly.
Club house re-opening.

The news media is full of stories about pubs & restaurants being allowed to re-open on 4th July and we are currently looking at a number of options for our own clubhouse and bar. We will obviously follow UK Govt guidelines and we want to be quite sure that whatever we do is SAFE, for our bar staff, members and all users of the club.

We are currently running a series of checks on our systems and equipment to make sure that everything is in working order. PLEASE BEAR WITH US…. We hope to be able to confirm more … within the next week or so.

But there is some great news to share….

Cricket is back !.

Our cricket section have had it particularly tough, with lockdown arriving just as they were gearing up for a new season. But at least, from next weekend they can now start and we wish all of our friends and colleagues who enjoy Cricket at Timperley, the best of luck. Fixtures and training times will be on the TCC website soon.
Please come down and support them if you can…..

Further reading