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About The Club
Saturday Football Club 1 of 2

1. About The Club


The Saturday Football Club has probably become the largest youth football club in terms of participation for boys and girls in Lowestoft on Saturday mornings and a project which we are extremely proud of.
The 22nd season will start at 10am on Saturday 8th September 2022.

The Club is open to anyone over 4yrs of age (some discretion is allowed if a child is near to 4yrs of age, please ask) to school year 6, regardless of their experience, ability, gender and ethnicity.

We are at Barnards Meadow (off Peto Way) Lowestoft NR32 2QB

10.15am - 11.30am.
10.15am - 11.15am (Little Lions)

What to do when i arrive:
The groups are split into school years and there are signs, pitch-side with the specific age group. We keep to these areas each week and do not move the groups around, so you will know exactly where to go.

What do i need:
The groups from Little Lions to School Year 4, will be held on the 3G, so trainers are fine.
Years 5 & 6 will be on the grass and will need football boots.
Please dress for the weather, tracksuits, jackets, hats, gloves and bottoms are fine and can easily be removed once your child has warmed up.
Please bring a water bottle for your child, this can be re-filled in the pavilion.

What to expect:
The Saturday football Club is a place where the children can have fun in a safe and enjoyable environment. Although we teach the children football skills, our aim is to play fun games and small sided matches.

Please arrive a little early so the coaches can make a prompt start.
Once you arrive, please go to your age group and register your attendance with one of the coaches.

Please ensure you are on the pitch-side when we finish, we will not allow any child to wander off without their parent, guardian to collect them.

The fee for each session is £3, However, to reduce our admin, you will be asked for a payment of £18 which will cover 6 sessions, if, for any reason you are not able to attend, you will not be charged for the missed session, your payment will simply be rolled over. So you only pay for the weeks you attend!

Can i help:
Yes of course, if getting involved in grassroots football is something that interests you, please speak to one of the coaches / support staff and they will answer any questions.

The coaches are all DBS checked and have qualified in safeguarding and 1st aid as well as completing coaching courses.

Can my child join a team:
Yes of course, we form teams at certain times of the year and the players are chosen from the club.

Medals / trophies
We regularly present medals and trophies to all the children once they reach certain milestone at the club i.e. 10, 30.50, 75 etc appearances.
These are a great way to reward the child for their attendance and recognise their development.

If you would like to join the Saturday Football Club, please register using the link: The Saturday Football Club - Registration Form

More info:

please email Waveney F.C. - Email