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Covid 19 - Club Update #1

Covid 19 - Club Update #1

Keith Crabb18 Mar 2020 - 14:45
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Club Closed until 14th April...

Dear Club Members
After much consultation the Board of University Vandals Limited have taken the decision to close the club house and grounds to all social gatherings and sports / sports related activities. We will remain shut until at least the 14 April in line with instructions from the RFU.
This decision has been taken following government advice, guidance from the RFU and is in the best interests of our Weybridge Vandals community, players, coaches, referees, volunteers, mums, dads and grandparents as well as the wider community in which we live.
The club has not taken this decision lightly and understand closing the club is a huge disappointment.
We will continue to monitor advice from the government and seek guidance from the RFU to provide our membership with weekly updates, every Monday, on the impact to the remainder of this season.
Please also look at the club websites and social media for updates.
For all urgent issues please direct your queries to Peter Wellden, Chairman of the Board at who will be the central point of contact for all club communications until we reopen.
Please stay safe, look after yourself, loved ones and fellow Vandals through these testing times.
Peter Wellden
University Vandals Limited
Further reading