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Rugby and Cricket Pitch arrangements

Rugby and Cricket Pitch arrangements

Stuart Howkins17 Mar 2021 - 12:58
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Important information regarding pitch arrangement when rugby and cricket return to Vandals

Hi All

You, we, the club and everyone I have spoken to are keen to get as much rugby played through what is left of this difficult season.

You’ll be aware that we, following RFU guidelines, have decided to extend the rugby season to 31st May. I know you’ll all be keen to get back to Vandals from 29th March and we very much look forward to seeing you. The purpose of this email is to explain how things will need to work throughout May.

Our cricket section season starts at the beginning of May and whilst we understand that cricket fixtures are trying to be arranged on an ‘away’ basis during May (to facilitate Rugby) we need to be flexible during this month when the cricket section has several home games and will want to use as much space as possible for training. This includes Sunday mornings for the ‘Dynamo’ section.

Therefore, we all need to work together to facilitate as much sport as we can during May at Vandals.

We have essentially split the playing grounds in two, with all rugby on the right-hand side and all cricket on the left. (See attached plan). We’ll therefore need to place rugby age groups on areas they may not be familiar with. The 1st team pitch will NOT be used during May and we’ll only have two full size pitches to use – the South Downs and the Training Pitch. Please be aware that the Training Pitch will only have posts at the right-hand end (as you look at it from the car park). The South Downs pitch will have posts both ends.
We will be operating a ‘fixture pitch’ booking system using a central calendar that can only be edited by myself, Gary (Junior Chair) and Matt (Minis Chair). It will however be available to view online by all. Therefore, if you wish to book a fixture against an opposing club ON ANY DAY during May you’ll need to check carefully that there is space to play. You should speak to/email your section chairman, (Gary or Matt) to request a ‘fixture pitch’ BEFORE confirming the fixture with the opposition team. Don’t forget we have floodlights so an evening fixture might be an option!

It’s vital that we all stick to this system to avoid congestion and embarrassment (when your opposition turns up and you’ve not pre-booked a pitch!). We believe this is the simplest way to manage what could be a busy last month of our season and if everyone uses the same process it should be simple and effective. Please do NOT confirm fixtures at Vandals without pre-booking a pitch.

We would very much appreciate it if you could also inform us if you intend to play ‘away’ on any specific date as this would free up additional space for another age group.
Finally, a word about car parking. We have decided to make the ‘coaches’ car park (nearest the Owls pitch) a ‘cricketers only’ car park, during May. So please ask parents, visitors, AND YOUR COACHES not to use that car park and only use the main car park in front of the clubhouse.

We’re really pleased that, with the flexibility and support of the cricket section, we can continue with rugby throughout May and very much look forward to seeing you and your age groups finally back on the island.

In summary, here is the plan to mix cricket and rugby during April and May.
In general, the rugby/cricket split is an imaginary line down the middle of the first team rugby pitch.

o Saturday: rugby
o Sunday: rugby
o Weekdays: cricket/rugby mix (see diagram)
o Saturday: rugby training until 10.30 then cricket
o Sunday: cricket/rugby mix until 12.00 (see diagram) then cricket
o Mon-Thu: cricket/rugby mix (see diagram) although no cricket planned for Mondays
o Friday: cricket

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to myself, Gary or Matt so that we can work through any issues that may be identified through April

Best regards
Ken Sewell
Rugby Chairman

Further reading