1. Whitecraigs Child Protection Policy

Whitecraigs Rugby Club

Child Protection Policy

Policy Statement

Whitecraigs Rugby Club is committed to child protection and the welfare of children and young people in our sport. All children and young people are entitled to protection from harm and take part in rugby in a safe and enjoyable environment. We embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of all children and young people. Everyone within Whitecraigs Rugby Club will be made aware of the policies and procedures in place to protect children and young people in our care and to promote their wellbeing..

Key Principles

• A child or young person is recognised as someone under the age of 18.

• The welfare of the child or young person is paramount.

• All participants regardless of age, gender, ability, disability, race, faith, size, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from harm.

• Everyone will work in partnership to promote the welfare, health and development of children and young people.

• The protection of children and young people in our care is everyone’s responsibility.

Whitecraigs Rugby Club will follow the Child Protection Policy of the Scottish Rugby Union and any amendments and updates issued by the SRU. Please see the Documents Section where the SRU Club Child Protection Officer – Role Descriptor may be downloaded as a PDF and viewed.


Who is a Child ?

In Scotland, a child is legally an adult when they turn 16, however this can be extended to 18 under certain circumstances but it is important to know that Scottish Rugby policy covers all players to the age of 18 due to the position of trust that coaches and volunteers are in.

17 Year Olds Playing Adult Rugby
This policy covers all players under the age of 18. However it is recognised that some players under the age of 18 but over the age of 16 can, with the necessary consents as per our Age Banding Policies play adult rugby. Those dealing with players under 18 who are playing up a level must always be mindful of the player’s safety and wellbeing. However for the purposes of this policy, a player who is training or playing with an adult team, having obtained the necessary consents for playing up a level is treated as an adult and the detail of this policy does not apply while he/she is training or playing with that adult team.

Child Protection Officer for Whitecraigs Rugby Club is Martin Savage.
Or call 07941600462

Getting It Right for Every Child is a document supported by the SRU and was written by NSPCC.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Act 2007) is a membership scheme that provides information on a person’s criminal records and suitability to work with children or vulnerable groups. All coaches have to be a member of the PVG Scheme and the Club Child Protection officer will ensure completion of the PVG scheme paperwork is done before any coach will work with the young people at Whitecraigs Rugby Club.

Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure a safe environment in which children can enjoy their rugby, everyone
involved in the sport must work together. It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to contribute towards child wellbeing.

As per the SRU Child Protection Policy Whitecraigs Rugby Club will:

• Appoint a Lead Child Protection Officer to manage its child protection programme.
• SRU will act as an Umbrella Organisation for the PVG process on behalf of club coaches, CPOs and other volunteers in regulated work.
• Require that Clubs comply with PVG checks as part of the Club Sustainability Award Scheme and membership of the union.
• Ensure that Child Protection Policies and Best Practice guidelines are reviewed and amended as required by changes in legislation.
• Provide training programmes for Scottish Rugby employees and the volunteer workforce within clubs.
• Manage and respond to referrals and/or concerns in an efficient and fair manner.
• Take Disciplinary Action against those who breach Whitecraigs Rugby Regulations.

Member/Affiliated Clubs will:
• Appoint a Club Child Protection Officer (CPO) and where appropriate an assistant CPO, to act as the first point of contact for any child protection and wellbeing concerns.

• Ensure that the CPO is a member of the PVG Scheme with necessary Scheme Record Update and attends Foundation & Intermediate Level Child Protection training within 6 months of appointment.

• Ensure a Child Protection Policy is in place and easily accessible by club members, parents, players etc.

• Ensure their CPO is easily contactable to deal with any areas of concerns around a child’s wellbeing and refers to the appropriate agency/Scottish Rugby Child Protection team.

Volunteers and Employees will:

• Agree to work together to provide a safe environment, friendly and accessible to all children to experience and enjoy rugby.

• Agree to comply with their Club Child Protection Policy.

• Agree to complete Child Protection training as required by their role.

• Agree to become a PVG Scheme Member if their role is in regulated work.

Whitecraigs Rugby club has a youth section and must appoint a Child Protection Officer (CPO).

This person should be the main point of contact within the club for any support, concerns, advice and training.

The CPO should lead on good practice and be known in their role, be accessible and visible to other volunteers/staff, children and parents.

They should be friendly and approachable and be able to communicate well with children and adults.

They should understand the importance of confidentiality, impartiality and have the ability to deal with sensitive situations with empathy and integrity.

They should have a willingness to challenge opinion and the confidence to manage situations and know when to ask for support.

Scottish Rugby will provide each CPO with training on an annual basis and are available to provide support and guidance
Roles & Responsibilities for Club Child Protection Officer:

• Promote and champion Child Protection at the club and encourage good practice.
• Ensure club has a Child Protection Policy that is available on club website.
• Respond appropriately to any child protection or wellbeing concerns.
• If unable to deal with a concern due to conflict of interest or any other reason, they should refer the issue to Scottish Rugby without delay.
• Ensure that good practice is used in the recruitment of all volunteers, coaches, staff who are working with children.
• Ensure that everyone at the club in regulated work has a PVG Membership, keep records of these, and keep those records up to date.
• Report to the Club Committee or equivalent on any issues or concerns.
• Maintain records of any reported cases and action taken, on a confidential basis.
• Liaise with Scottish Rugby Child Protection department as required.
• Signpost other members of the club to relevant training or advice.

Scottish Rugby Child Protection Team

Scottish Rugby has a dedicated Lead Child Protection Officer and Child Protection Administrator who are part of the HR & Regulatory Teams. They can be contacted on or by calling 0131 346 5000

Further information and resources on Child Protection is available on Scottish Rugby’s website: