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June 30 - Membership subscriptions

June 30 - Membership subscriptions

Ryan Somes30 Jun 2020 - 08:15
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As the ECB outline a return for recreational cricket, we have begun to collect subscriptions.

As we move towards the ECB's next phase of a return to cricket, and a real prospect of some cricket matches in the coming weeks, we now need to collect senior players' subscriptions.

The colts committee are meeting this week and will be looking equally at the collection of junior subscriptions.

All senior playing members

A minimum £30 subscription to be paid.

A match fee per game will be determined once playing format and likelihood of teas are known - but it is likely that for this season only, the cost per match is likely to increase to partially to offset the lower annual membership nsubscription we are charging.

Any member who has already paid their annual membership will not be required to pay a further subscription.

There will be no option for non-members this year, although new players can be invited to one net as a trial before committing to a subscription.

From July 6, only paid-up members will be able to book nets and be available for selection. In addition, it is likely that the main club will only be allowing paid-up members to enter the clubhouse.


Please make cheques payable to "Worcester Park Cricket Club"
Bank transfer (Sort code: 40‐07‐30 | Acc No: 51365541)
Please add the member's name as payment reference


We are very grateful to those who have already generously donated to our GoFundMe appeal to support WPAC. But as we return to a form of normality we now need to collect cricket club membership subscriptions and match fees. If you haven't already done so please pay your membership as soon as possible.

Further reading