Buckingham 1st XV - Match centre

Sat 15 Dec 14:00 - South West Division - Wadworth 6X Southern Counties North Full time

Impressive Ten Tries


Good hands in the wet

On a cold wet and windy afternoon there was nothing nebulous about Buckingham's performance. Well organised and up for the game from the kick off, they were out f sight before Slough got into the game, scoring seven of their ten tries in the first half.
After a forward pass had prevented them from going ahead early on, a good drive by Payne put Prime under the posts for the first try on 6 minutes with Kinman converting. Moments later, a superb run from inside his own half by Sumner put Graham in for a score on his opposite wing and strong running by both Craker and Scarr set the tone for what ay ahead- crisp passing between forwards and backs that defied the miserable weather conditions.
Slough could not live with Buckingham's paces were grateful to kick a penalty after 15 minutes to get them on the scoreboard, but Buckingham quickly struck back. A wayward kick by Slough was well caught by Scarr and more power by Cracker set up a golden opportunity in the corner that was sadly knocked on, but it mattered not because minutes later a superb passage of play saw the forwards and backs combining again to open the door for Clunes to cross the line.
From the restart Temple palmed to the excellent Prime who from 15 metres inside his own half showed great speed on a solo run for his second try. The conversion was narrowly missed but the score stood at 22-3. A rare Buckingham error followed as they kicked long but from the Slough drop out the ball was gathered by Prime, and Kinman's long pass found Graham, hungry for action who scored on his opposite wing. Kinman converted from wide out.
The game then entered a period where both teams allowed the conditions to prevail. Cold hands and a strong wind resulted in a series of poor kicks, dropped passes and line out losses for both teams, but the Buckingham scrum was starting to dominate and provide a solid platform on which to build.
Barker went over from a 5 metre scrum after a great run by Nagy, he scored again a few minutes later. With Kinman adding a fine conversion, the half time score stood at an impressive 41-3.
Strong scrummaging became a feature of the second half, allowing Kinman time to kick to the left wing where Sumner gathered and used his electrifying pace to round the defence and score. Further forward pressure then forced Slough to knock on and Buckingham's dominant scrum drove to within 2 metres. The first dart from the base was held up but the ball was popped to Chalmers who dived under the posts.Kinman converted to make it 53-3 0n 65 minutes,
As the gloomy conditions took hold there were more spectators inside the clubhouse than outside, but the final period was lit up by another Sumner try. His opposite number knew exactly what he was going to do but sheer pace made his second try inevitable. 58-3 with just few minutes remaining.
Buckingham move up to second place in the league with the highest number of bonus points in the league.

Team selection

Team selection has not been published for this fixture yet.

League round up

Other Wadworth 6X Southern Counties North results

High Wycombe


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League table

# Team Pl Pts
1. Windsor 22 90
2. Buckingham 22 82
3. Marlow 22 74
4. Bicester 22 67
5. Aylesbury 22 62
6. Wallingford 22 53
7. Reading Abbey 22 52

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