
By Alan Cunningham

Some of you may already know that our favourite pub and gang hut is closing

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that our favourite pub and gang hut for the best part of the last decade has closed it's doors and will remain shut for the foreseeable future.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Karen, Frank and all the staff who have put up with a bunch of slightly mad cricketers. their support has been invaluable.
In the short term we may have to remove the kit, so if anyone has room to store it over the coming winter let me know

Updated 22:30 - 1 Sep 2019 by Alan Cunningham

Where next?

ESCA diner This year's East cricket diner has been cancelled
That was the season that was Apologies to all of you who have been waiting to hear what happened on the final weekend I have been ill. but no fears the wait is over


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Sat 7 May
Third Eleven Marchmont 3
League 140 – 143/8