By Karina Green

Friday 14 June, Sportspark, 7pm

A reminder to all that the AGM is fast approaching:

Friday 14 June
Sportspark, UEA

We have a number of vacancies this year and some proposed constitution amendments.

You will see attached the agenda and proposed amendments to the constitution. For the full folder of relevant documents, please click here.

Please Note: In line with the constitution, we are unable to take any constitution amendments or changes to the proposed motion from the floor - similarly, AOB must be presented in advance and will also not be taken from the floor.

If you would like to comment on the proposed changes to the constitution, suggest AOB or view a list of current vacancies and register interest, please click on the below link:

AGM response form

Please ensure the above is completed at least 7 days prior to the AGM date (COP Friday 7 June 2019).

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Updated 19:00 - 29 Aug 2019 by Karina Green

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