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Natwest Rugby Force weekend 25/26th June 2016

Natwest Rugby Force weekend 25/26th June 2016

Trevor Keys13 May 2016 - 20:32
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Can you help with making your club look its best? Volunteers required on the weekend 25th/26th June to help with on/off field improvements.

Many hands make light work.

The clubs new grants sub-committee has secured the annual £500 Natwest Rugby Force grant for 2016. These funds are for helping making off field club improvements. The more volunteers that can attend on the official weekend of the 25th/26th June the more can be achieved with these funds. Lots of jobs for all levels of skill are welcome. You may even receive a free t-shirt and burger for your efforts. Please come and give a hand if you can spare a few hours.

Any queries please contact;

Gerry Mansfield -
Trevor Keys -


Further reading