Bury Town 'Mini blues'
  1. Information
  2. Term Dates
Bury Town 'Mini blues'
  1. Information
  2. Term Dates
Bury Town 'Mini blues' 2 of 2

2. Term Dates

Term dates and venues for the 2013/14 season are due to be announced on Thursday 1st August 2013

Holiday Camps
There is some football available for all of the mini blues over the summer holidays. Sessions will be running from 9:30-11:00 every day of our Holiday Camps. Sessions are only £2 per day.
Wednesday 24th - Thurday 25th July - 09:30-11:00 - Thurston Cavendish, IP31 3RU
Tuesday 30th - Wednesday 31st July - 09:30-11:00 - Thurston Cavendish, IP31 3RU
Tuesday 6th - Wednesday 7th August - 09:30-11:00 - Thurston Cavendish, IP31 3RU
Tuesday 20th - Wednesday 21st August - 09:30-11:00 - Thurston Cavendish, IP31 3RU