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In Touch No.17 - 25 November 2015

In Touch No.17 - 25 November 2015

John Lyons25 Nov 2015 - 16:16
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Seconds to play Old Laurentians in Cup Under 13s make South Warwickshire selection 200 Club winners Up your jumper

A bit of a bruising for the first team at table topping Banbury on Saturday and the Seconds and Spartans fared little better. The first team have a free Saturday this week and the chance to regroup and reduce their horrendous injury list. It must be a record that in 10 games, 47 players have turned out for the first team and the average number of changes to the starting fifteen is 7.5 per game - half the team each week! The knock on effect on the other sides is just as great.
Better news for the under-13 team who competed in the South Warwickshire trials on Sunday. 8 players were selected for the squad, namely – Kofi Miller, Ben Robinson, Thomas Treherne, Thomas Scott-Brown, Aaron Crockford, Logan Deeley, William Callan and Lucian Gould. All the lads played well and for those that didn’t get in this time, keep on trying. Well done to all the players and the coaches.
For this week, the seconds have a change of fixture. Instead of neighbours Kenilworth, we are now playing Old Laurentians in the Warwickshire Second XV Cup. We put out Earlsdon in the last round and we beat Old Laurentians earlier in the season, so let’s get behind the team this week and see if we can get through to the semi-finals. The Spartans fixture is away at Trinity Guild, but rumour has it we are playing Old Leamingtonians instead. The minis are all playing Earlsdon at home and the under 14 and 16 are both playing Shipston. Good luck to everyone
Christmas is coming. Where are you going to get the money from to buy your loved ones’ presents? Well it could be from the Leamington RFC 200 Club. Last week Ian Hume won £300, Andy Milner won £200, Alex Watkins won £100 and Jim Doak £50. The 200 Club continues to be a very useful source of income for the club and there is the opportunity for any new or old members to join. For only £5 per month your name will go into the quarterly draw and the lucky winners will receive prizes in the above amounts and at Christmas there is a special prize of £500!
All you need to do is complete a standing order form for £5 per month. This can be obtained from behind the bar or from Kit Forrest. Alternately why not go on line & set up the monthly transfer, yourself. Kit will be happy to give you the bank details. If you sign up before the Christmas draw on 19 December you will go into the hat for the £500 and other prizes - Kit Forrest 07748 658086 or
Also on the 19th December, the club will be somewhat festive, the clubhouse bedecked with tinsel and holly, mulled wine will be for sale, Xmas jumpers are required attire and a few more seasonal surprises will about. Join in the fun and pop along to watch the 1sts against Balsall and Berkswell, nibble on a mince pie, have a beer/wine with friends and family. Hide away from the Christmas shopping; fighting the hordes on the high street and decide instead whether to have another. Remember to leave the car at home....that way you can safely spend a bit more over the bar!
After a short break, the Cumbrian Comic is back and full of Christmas spirit. His latest offering. Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers; he would stop at nothing to avoid them.

Phil and John

Further reading