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Race Night for U18 Tour to Holland

Race Night for U18 Tour to Holland

Graeme Condie9 Jan 2012 - 10:08
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We try and organise an overseas tour for U18 team if the boys show enough interest and commitment.

A race night has been organised at Lenzie Rugby Club on Friday 03/02/12 to raise funds for U18 Tour.

Entrance - £3
Buy a Horse for £5 (64 Horses) - See David McCrae
Sponsor a Race for £20 (8 Races) - See David McCrae

We are also looking for donations of bottles of Whisky, Gin, Vodka - See David McCrae, Nic Holmes, Martin Stewart.

Race nights can be great fun and a very social occasion so I am hoping that you can come along on the night as well as buying a horse or 2 before the evening.

Clubhouse will open at 7pm and we aim to get the races started by 8:15pm

I hope to see you all there (Adults only)
David McCrae
0141 776 3778

Further reading