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Great Afternoon At Weddington

Great Afternoon At Weddington

Sean Krauth22 Sep 2014 - 16:34
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The Eds held another successful past players and friends of the club lunch on Saturday last, organised by Ged O'Neill.

Ged O’Neill organised another of his now famous past players and friends of the club lunches and it was, as usual a tremendous success. This time club sponsor Chris Foxton provided the buffet lunch and a couple of barrels of beer that sold at £2 a pint and oiled the proceedings nicely.

But in combination with Sean Krauth, Ged had also, in recognition of the Centenary of the First World War, researched the members of the school who died in that conflict.

He was especially interested in Roy Iliffe, who was not only a member of a well-known Nuneaton family who had a chemists in the town, but was also a founder member of the Old Eds rugby club. He gave an interesting and moving talk on the subject and then presented the club with a memorial to Roy which will hang in the clubhouse.

As the young players ran out onto the pitch, it was a sobering thought that this was the generation that towns such as Nuneaton lost 100 years ago.

The afternoon was rounded off by a group playing from 6.00pm, again generously provided by Chris. Many thanks to all who worked towards providing a very entertaining and thought provoking event.

John Jones

Further reading