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Match report Shipston on Stour RFC 1st XV   23  -  24   Old Leamingtonians RFC 1st XV

Match report Shipston on Stour RFC 1st XV 23 - 24 Old Leamingtonians RFC 1st XV

Chris McCarthy19 Sep 2018 - 06:35
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Old Leamingtonians Rugby Football Club Senior Mens' Match Report Saturday 15th September 2018 League: Midlands 3 West (South)

Shipston on Stour RFC 1st XV 23 - 24 Old Leamingtonians RFC 1st XV

Four tries for each side showed how evenly balanced this match was but it was Old Leamingtonians that came out on top by one point.

From the kick off Shipston took the game to OLs and after only six minutes of play the home pressure and some untidy defence resulted in a try scored in the right corner of the field. The conversion was unsuccessful. From the restart OLs came more into the game but Shipston’s defence prevented any opportunities for the visitors until a well judged cross kick from stand-off Henry Reynolds caught them unawares and allowed winger Calum Semple to catch and cross the line for an equalising try. The conversion followed from Henry Reynolds to put OLs into the lead 5 - 7.

The lead was short lived however as from the kick-off OLs fumbled the ball allowing Shipston to take possession and gain ground into the visitor’s 22 metre area. From an infringement Shipston scored a penalty to go back into the lead 8 - 7. The game went through a period of equal opportunity for both sides before a sweeping move took OLs deep into the Shipston half and from well won forward possession the ball moved quickly along the OLs threequarters to find winger Semple in space to cross the line wide out on the left field. This second OLs try was also converted by Reynolds making the score 8 - 14.

The play was then dominated by Shipston and pressure on the OLs defence resulted in the home team scoring a push over try that went unconverted (13 – 14), and from the re-start OLs spilled the ball allowing Shipston to gain possession finish the half with a further try to reach half time with a lead of four points at 18 - 14.

The second half saw OLs producing some first class forward play and good running from the backs and it was only a matter of time before the pressure on the Shipston defence resulted in try number three for winger Semple. From a downfield kick by Shipston the ball bounced off the ex-colt’s chest (no knock-on) and he chased it over the line for a touch down. The conversion was missed (18 -19) but further pressure on the home defence saw the same player receive a pass at the end of a quality backline movement to score his fourth try of the game to put OLs into a six point lead with the game entering its final ten minutes with score at 18 - 24.

Some crotchety exchanges resulted in a player from each side being sinbinned for 10 minutes and the final period of play was dominated by Shipston who severely tested the OLs defence. Time and time again drives by Shipston were stopped short and good defensive clearances from full back Oscar Heath and centre Ciaran O’Connor relieved pressure but Shipston finally crossed the line wide on the right well into injury time to move within one point of the OLs. The conversion would have given the home side a one point victory but the attempt sailed to the left of the goal post to bring the game to a close with OLs the winners at 23 - 24.

OLs should have had an easier victory but did manage to sneak a five point win with Shipston picking up two bonus points.

Naturally, the newly promoted ex colt Calum Semple received the Man of the Match award from Head Coach Adam Canning.

Next week sees OLs host league newcomers Stoke Old Boys – kick-off 3.00pm.

Report provided by Denis Fisher
Photos attached 1. Hugh Melhuish on a charge; 2.Oscar Heath on a charge; 3. Calum Semple clapped off; 4.Calum Semple receives Man of the Match Award from Coach, Adam Canning

Nick Crighton
OLRFC Press & Publicity Officer
07768 775601

Match photos OLs vs Shipston

Further reading