Minutes of Meetings 6 of 8

6. November 2011

Old Williamsonians RFC

MGM – 01/11/11

1. Apologies For Absence - S.B, J.W, J.C, A.S
In attendance C.D, M.C.L, A.L, D.H, D.P, C.N, M.W, T.F

2. Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 4/10/11 – C.D has spoken to a lights company who have quoted him £2000 per unit. They are 5m high and need a transformer. This would cost in the region of £150 and would also need something to weigh it down e.g. sandbags.
T.F and C.D to photocopy first aid certificates for D.H. C.D sent copy to D.H

3. Matters Arising – Pitch Lights – C.D’s efforts above plus D.H has spoken to O.W.H.C chairman and he has said that he thinks OWRFC can have half the astro pitch for the rest of the season at half the cost the OWHC currently pay. In the region of £25.T.B.C with Club Coaches. General consensus was that if we can do this it is a good idea. HAP HAZRD/ ONGOING

4. Match reports – D.H had updated all reports on the club website for senior section. He has sent the Orpington report to both local newspapers and both papers printed the report. To be kept up. ONGOING

5. Training – Good numbers and good training sessions being run by J.C. We need to keep the 2nd XV fixtures going to keep peripheral players interested. 1 game played and another organised for Saturday 5th November. 3 GAMES PLAYED
D.H to sign up C.N to Rugby First so that he can support D.H with player registration. C.N REGISTERED

6. Finance - International Tickets not currently being taken up from allocation but this was discussed and England vs Wales on Saturday 25th February will be a club day out. T.F asked for x2 tickets for Wales’s game anyway and there are the tickets to be allocated to the sponsors. D.P has shown interest in tickets but not confirmed numbers. Most tickets to sell are for the Ireland game.
Richard Howden has requested the club buy 30 bowls that can be used on a Saturday for the after game food. It was agreed that R.H can purchase the bowls and the club will reimburse him. Also discussed that we could get throw away bowls but after speaking to R.H the following day he preferred the long term option and did not mind the washing up aspect. BOWLS BOUGHT
J.C has bought a new board for our Youth Section. D.H to mount on the wall and “decorate.” T.B. DECORATED
D.P purchased three new size 5 balls at reduced rate. Both D.P and J.C to be reimbursed by club. T.B.C

7. Youth inc Youth Committee – On 30.10.11 O.W.R.F.C held their first Youth Committee Meeting. Chaired by D.H the committee is made up of the coaches of the age groups and parent representatives at each level. Honorary positions go to C.D, D.P and D.H in reference to their senior committee role. In all there are 13 members of the committee. I have attached the minutes of the meeting if anyone is interested in reading.
The U15s and U13s have full sides but could do with larger squads so we are looking at recruitment. The U12s have 7 players but D.H has been to Year 7 rugby training at the Math and sent flyers to Tunbury Primary in the hope of increased numbers. All three sides will enter the Kent Festivals this year at a cost of £60 per squad.
A new set of shirts is needed for the U13s and Linton Stickings has been in contact with D.P. D.H is to follow this up. ONGOING
The Youth Committee have set the ball rolling in terms of a Xmas Party. It is anticipated to take place on Sunday 18th December and will follow on from training in the form of Laser Tag at the Clubhouse. bar will be open and food to be discussed. CONFIRMED

8. Tour/Social – S.B not present to discuss tour or social events but is researching both and will speak to players on Saturday 5th November. It was mentioned that in November we will hold a race night. D.H to discuss with S.B. NO RACE NIGHT/ XMAS DRINKS 10TH DECEMBER

9. A.O.B

J.W Testimonial game – not April 7th 2012 as both C.N and D.H unavailable so April 21st is now preferred date. D.H to check posts will still be up. T.B.C

Shirt Costs – casual shirts – J.C spoke to C.N and said we need to look at buying in polo shirts first then he can get logo added for £4.75 excluding VAT. C.N SORTED

Kitchen – complaints – A letter was sent to D.H from Chris Halls (Club Bar/Kitchen Secretary) regarding complaint about the state of new kitchen. This was not an OWRFC problem and the section involved has been spoken to. D.H has advised OWRFC section that the following actions will occur in future. Firstly a section will be given a written warning and if they continue to misuse the kitchen/bar area a fine of £25 will be inflicted upon the section each time they commit an offence.

Movember – 14 members of the OWRFC are taking part in the Movember Campaign. 9 people attended the Shave Off Launch Event and under the guidance of team leader, J,W, we are now underway raising awareness and funds for cancer research. We also have a facebook page with links to this cause and anyone can donate to the team – Old Willies Rugby. COMPLETED/MONIES TO BE COLLECTED

Kit – M.C.L has tried on numerous attempts to get hold of kit supplier for new shorts but is finding it impossible to do so. A new supplier is now being sorted. ONGOING

With nothing else to discuss the meeting finished at 21.40pm. The next MGM will be on Tuesday 5th December.