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Sully Completes Berlin Marathon

Sully Completes Berlin Marathon

Richard Belli30 Sep 2016 - 15:12
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Coach Mark Sullivan completes his final marathon in a little over 4 hours whilst raising money for a great cause.

My last marathon and a great place to finish. Testimonial later in the beer garden as a warm up for Octoberfest...
- Mark Sullivan

Plymouth Argaum coach Mark Sullivan ran what he says will be his final marathon last Sunday in Berlin. Sully, who has returned to the club this season to assist with coaching after a number of years in Pompey, finished in a time of 4 hours 18 minutes to well an truly earn his stein of beer.

He is raising money for the YoungDementia Charity, and a fundraising page is still open for donations with the total at just over £300. Click on the YoungDementia logo below to visit the page.

This comes hot on the heels of Mark Albiston who ran the Plymouth Half Marathon earlier this year raising money for the Chicks Charity whose fundraising page can be found here.

There's bound to be speculation as to which one of the coaching team will be fundraising next and if it's doubling each time does Paul Brown have to run 52 miles!

Further reading