Project Clapham

Team info

Més que un Club

On the first day God created Heaven and the Earth. On the second he lit up the world, allowing him to spend days three and four putting land on earth and stars in the sky. Days five and six were spent filling his new pad with c...

Project Clapham
Project Clapham
Project Clapham

About the team

On the first day God created Heaven and the Earth. On the second he lit up the world, allowing him to spend days three and four putting land on earth and stars in the sky. Days five and six were spent filling his new pad with creatures. But day seven...nobody knows.

Since the dawn of time man has strived for the knowledge of what God meant for us to do on the Sabbath. Some say he rested; tosh, you don't spend the best part of a week creating yourself a whole universe without enjoying it once it's ready. Others say it is a day to be spent doing odd jobs, catching up on your chores; rubbish, we all know that the big man was a player. Some even say it is a time for omnibus soap episodes and reruns of old films in the hope that the 2nd time around they will be better than the toilet served up the first time…don't make me laugh.

So the human race went on searching until, in a small corner of a big pub in south west London an ethos was discussed and an idea hatched. Through the efforts of the many people involved the dream became a reality - Project Clapham Football Club was born and weekends were changed forever.

Project Clapham FC aims to bring together all the likeminded beautiful people of London, stuck in a rut while they contemplate joining the masses in the real world. It aims to bring a purpose to Sundays, to ensure that no-one loses touch and, more importantly, to create a social football club of the highest standing known to date. Playing football on Clapham Common on an afternoon and socialising on an evening, collectively Project Clapham aim to entertain.

"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It is nothing of the kind. The game is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom."

This is only just beginning – but like the small acorn growing into a great Oak Tree this will shape our weekends forever. It’s not about me, it’s not about the rest of the committee or the players, it’s not even about the club: it’s about enjoying the weekend and creating something to cling on to, about knowing that whatever happens in the week ahead or whatever happened in the week past the weekend dawns a new week, a new era, a new beginning.

"Whether you're a player, manager, trainer, director, supporter, reporter, kit man or tea lady, football possesses the power to make the week ahead sparkle with a sense of joyous well being. No play, movie, TV programme, work of literature or music induces such emotion on a weekly basis. We curse football for having this power but, conversely, it is football's power to corrupt the emotions and senses that is the addictive and enduring appeal of the game. It's an intangible power, existing somewhere out in the ethers. It is the heart of the game."

Now a thriving football and social club, Project Clapham brings a purpose to the weekend and a unity to the many different groups of South London. All like-minded people are welcome to swell it's ranks as we plough on, spreading our brand of life through the capital.

Project Clapham. Believe.

Matt Malton
Project Clapham Coach
Matt Malton
Gavin Chandler
Project Clapham Team Admin
Gavin Chandler
Simon Carson
Project Clapham Team Admin
Simon Carson
Jack Holroyd
Project Clapham Team Admin
Jack Holroyd
Greg Josling
Project Clapham Team Admin
Greg Josling
Alex Leverton
Project Clapham Team Admin
Alex Leverton

Team news

Team Sponsors

Face Improvers - Bulldog Natural Grooming
The future... - Future Elite Sports
The Cure... - The Hangover Club