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April 100 Club Winners

April 100 Club Winners

Matthew Iles27 Apr 2015 - 15:55
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Are you a winner of £75, £40 or £20 in the100 Club Draw? Want to help the development of the club?? Read how you can for £2.50 p/w & win money too!!!

At last weeks committee meeting we held the 100 Club Building Fund Draw .
Thanks to all the members for continuing to support the rugby club with their monthly £10 payments and thanks to our Chairman Bill Davies for drawing the balls.

The money raised through the 100 club pays towards the upkeep and development of YOUR rugby club.

1st prize of £75: A. Owen
2nd Prize of £40: G. Skuse
3rd Prize of £20: D. Cann

Congratulations to all the winners, I will get your winnings to you as soon as possible.

If you would like to increase your chances of winning, you can always pay for another ball to go into the draw, upping your payment to £20. This seems to be working for the few who already do this!!!
Contact me, Smiles, if you’d like to join, email:

Further reading