Marlow Womens 1s - Match center

Marlow Hockey Club
Surbiton 3s
E Yeomans (4' ), S Pearce (37' ), L Northing (46' ), A Teasdale (56' ), L Wallis (65' )
Full time
 (29' )
Sat 22 Sep 11:45 - League

Marlow 1s vs Surbiton 3s


The first league game for the reds...

On Saturday, the Marlow Ladies 1s dove head first into their first league game of the season where they were playing Surbiton Ladies 3s. Being in a new league as they were recently promoted meant they were unsure of what to expect.
In the first 5 minutes, Marlow started out very strong with an Ellie Yeomans scoring an amazing open play goal making it 1-0 to the reds. Marlow held their own for the rest of the half but unfortunately for Marlow, in the 29th minute, Surbiton managed to bag an equaliser making the score at the end of the first half 1-1.
With a positive team talk at half time, Marlow L1s picked themselves up from Surbiton’s equaliser and drove head on into the second half. Marlow was determined to win their debut league match of the season and in the first 2 minutes of the second half Sarah Pearce received a beautiful pass from Ellie Y which she slapped first time into the goal making the score now 2-1 to the reds!
10 minutes later a PCA was won for the reds which was converted into another cracking goal by Louisa Northing, 3-1 to the reds.
Staying resilient and not letting pressure get to them, Marlow Ladies kept fighting which led to yet another open play goal by Alex T making the score 4-1.
With 5 minutes to go and Marlow continuing to fight, another PCA was won which was yet again converted to a goal by Lana Wallis who made the final score 5-1 to Marlow!!
Although a little rocky in the first half, Marlow L1s stayed positive, resilient and determined to make the second half their own. This allowed them to gain their first 3 points of the league. In addition, thank you to all of the supporters and walking wounded who, despite their injuries, came down to watch and support us throughout. It was “a real squad effort…top effort…a real pleasure to watch”.
Here’s to many more great team efforts and a great new season.

Key moments

Goal Ellie Yeomans scores for Marlow Hockey Club
Goal Goal for Surbiton 3s
Goal Sarah Pearce scores for Marlow Hockey Club
Goal Luisa Northing scores for Marlow Hockey Club
Goal Alex Teasdale scores for Marlow Hockey Club
Goal Lana Wallis scores for Marlow Hockey Club


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65:00 Goal 5 - 1
Lana Wallis scores for Marlow Hockey Club
56:00 Goal 4 - 1
Alex Teasdale scores for Marlow Hockey Club
46:00 Goal 3 - 1
Luisa Northing scores for Marlow Hockey Club
37:00 Goal 2 - 1
Sarah Pearce scores for Marlow Hockey Club
End of period 1
29:00 Goal 1 - 1
Goal for Surbiton 3s
4:00 Goal 1 - 0
Ellie Yeomans scores for Marlow Hockey Club
Start of the game
Replay game

As it happened

  • Marlow Hockey Club
  • Surbiton 3s
  • 0
  • Ellie Yeomans Goal 4:00'
  • Goal 29:00'
  • Sarah Pearce Goal 37:00'
  • Luisa Northing Goal 46:00'
  • Alex Teasdale Goal 56:00'
  • Lana Wallis Goal 65:00'

Team selection

Team selection has not been published for this fixture yet.


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