Kingsmaid Cup 65+ - Etihad Complex - 22nd May 2017

By David Holbrow

At least we came back with another trophy!

“The ability level of the over 65s taking part in this tournament was much higher than we expected. Some work to do on the training ground before the next outing for the 65+ squad.” John Myatt, Team Captain

With 7 members in the squad, and a combined age of 479, the Wanderers Pensioners’ Section set out across the Pennines to take part in their first competitive tournament for the over 65s. The Kingsmaid 65+ Cup featured 12 teams split into 3 leagues of 4, with Wanderers drawn against Grimsby Ancient Mariners B, Manchester City B and Huddersfield.

The first game quickly dispelled any ideas the Wanderers had that ‘the Seniors’ would be less competitive. Our opponents were Huddersfield who ran out clear winners after putting on a very energetic and determined performance that stunned our boys and put 2 past ‘young Mick’ in goal (the rules allowed a keeper under 65 provided he was 60+).

The next game saw a better result against a fancied Grimsby side with 2 of the 3 Johns (Myatt & Jones) finding the net so that both teams went away with a point each.

The third game against Manchester City proved disappointing. Despite an early strike by Myatt, now operating in a more advanced role, MCFC came back strongly and Wanderers again conceded twice, leaving our opponents to take the spoils and leave Wanderers bottom of the group.

This meant Wanderers were now playing in the subsidiary competition and found themselves playing Man City B again who were now bolstered by the addition of a player from their A team due to the B team losing 2 players to injuries. MCFC managed to find the net whilst we didn’t, leaving us to play Burton Albion in the Donkey Trophy. Wanderers finally managed the win they had been seeking with ‘twinkletoes’ McGrath finding his shooting boots and scoring the goal that secured victory. Rookey came on for the second half and very nearly doubled our lead, but couldn’t quite find the right option when clear through.

Throughout the games there was some sterling defensive work from Dave Cossins, and lots of energy from Mike Theobold and Brian McGrath. Rookey made a couple of assists and everyone gave their all in representing the Club. Whilst not the trophy we wanted to come away with, at least we all got the opportunity of a team picture with Manchester City legends Mike Summerbee and Alex Williams. The photo shows – back row: John Rooke, John Jones, Mike Summerbee, Alex Williams, Mick Wilde, Mike Theobold and Mark Davis (Kingsmaid CEO). Front row: Dave Cossins, John Myatt & Brian McGrath.

Results summary

Wanderers 0 Huddersfield 2
Wanderers 2 Grimsby 2 (Myatt & Jones)
Wanderers 1 Man City 2 (Myatt)
Wanderers 0 Man City 1 (Semi- Final Subsidiary Competion)
Wanderers 1 Burton Albion 0 (McGrath – Donkey Trophy Final)

John Myatt
Team Captain

Updated 18:40 - 2 Sep 2019 by David Holbrow

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