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Belper RUFC 2019 Annual General Meeting

Belper RUFC 2019 Annual General Meeting

Jackie Dyer26 Apr 2019 - 13:11
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It's that time again!

This year's AGM will be on Wednesday 5th June 2019, at the Clubhouse 19:00pm start
With every role in the club being voted in or approved at the meeting, it's important that you come down and have your say on how the club is run. If you feel that you have something to contribute, please put yourself forward for a role and / or have your say in deciding other roles. We have many crucial roles this year that are vacant.
All club roles and senior captains will be voted in, (except for those roles which have been filled following open recruitment since the last AGM, i.e. Director of AGR, Safeguarding Officer, Club Secretary and Facilities Director. The membership will be asked to approve these appointments).
Please remember that only paid up members, vice-presidents, club officials and life members can vote, and only players can vote for their captains.
If you are interested in any position within the club, please speak to Jackie Dyer or Gaz Dakin, or Jarrad Mordue for playing roles, with a deadline of 29th May, who will advise you on how to proceed.
Again, this year any items you wish to be discussed at the AGM must be submitted by 29th May to Andy Birchett, Club Secretary at and agreed for inclusion on the agenda. There will be no ‘Any Other Business’ on the agenda. The final Agenda will be published on 3rd June.
Current post holders are:
President - Gaz Dakin
Chairman - Jackie Dyer
Honorary Secretary - Andy Birchett
Treasurer - Brian Smith
Director of Rugby - Jarrad Mordue
Director of Age Grade Rugby - Kat Moss
Clubhouse Manager - Sandra Matthews
Parent Representative - Anne Shorney
Facilities Director - Paul Gascoyne
Club Coach - Merv Holmes
Club Captain - Callum Schofield
2XV Captain - Rob Yates
3XV Captain - James Emslie
Women’s Captain - Caroline Robertshaw
Deputy Director AGR - Fletcher Smith
Fixtures Secretary – Chris McDonald
Grounds Manager - vacant
Club Physiotherapist - vacant
Women’s Manager Emma Mordue
Catering Manager - vacant
Bar Manager – Sandra Matthews
Club Volunteer Coordinator - vacant
Buildings Manager - team of volunteers
Social Secretary - Tom Wills, James Capper, Clare Potter, Siobhan Peeling
Merchandise Manager - Stephen Potter
Safeguarding Officer - Millie Veira, Shane Parker
Disciplinary Secretary - Mike Dyer
Membership Secretary - Stephen Potter
International Ticket Contact - Stephen Potter
Sponsorship Manager - Rhys Schofield
Webmaster - Simon Blount
Further reading