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Sad News. CRFC are sad to announce to recent passing of 2 lifelong members of the club, Mick Fullbrook & Don Batts

Sad News. CRFC are sad to announce to recent passing of 2 lifelong members of the club, Mick Fullbrook & Don Batts

Graeme Clark29 Sep 2020 - 08:43
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Sad News. CRFC are sad to announce to recent passing of 2 lifelong members of the club, Mick Fullbrook & Don Batts

Mick Fullbrook joined Chingford Rugby Club in 1954 having attended Chingford County High School; where he first played rugby. The school had been for many years the main recruiting ground for players into the club . Mick was a very useful hooker and soon found himself playing in the third side a the tender age of 16. Mick went into the Royal Marines to do his National Service in about 1957/8 and served much of his time on Christmas Island where he was one of the many servicemen to watch the detonation of the UKs first atom bomb He often joked that his protective equipment consisted of a pair of shorts and a pair of sunglasses. On completion of his service Mick came back to the Club and resumed his enjoyment of the 'special game'. he loved his rugby and soon proved to be a leader and was elected as Captain of the 'A' fifteen (2nd Team) position he held for a number of years . Mick was a great organiser and soon found himself serving on the Club committee in various roles and finally as Club president from 1977 until 1981. Along with a group of friends from the club he went in alternate years to Paris and Dublin to watch the England internationals. During this period he helped form an Anglo Irish Supporters Club (AIRS) , which had Willie John McBride as their talisman. Airs still functions today albeit with fewer numbers but to prove how much Mick enjoyed the camaraderie of the rugby family he was still travelling down from Cleveland, where he lived, to attend their regular social meeting until just a few months before he passed away. Anyone who knew Mick from his days at the Club would recognise the huge contribution he made to its progress from those far off days when it ran 6 sides most weeks. It started in the Pig farm at Sopers Farm (where the 2nd pitch is) into the successful club we have today. He was a great fun loving guy who loved his rugby and later his bowls. He served CRFC faithfully and well. Thank you Mick you'll be sadly missed .

Don Batts joined CRFC at around the same time as Mick . Don and his twin brother Cliff (who sadly passed away 3 years ago) both were auburn haired and stood at 6'5" tall. As a duo they were formidable, if someone fouled one of them you fouled both of them. Of his or by common consent any era Don was one of the best players to ever pull on a Chingford shirt. He played for Essex and Eastern Counties on a number of occasions and there is little doubt that had he had the desire to do so he could have moved on and played with a first class club of that time. He captained the 1st XV in the 1964-1965 season. Don was a Chingford Rugby Club man and enjoyed the camaraderie there and the company of his friends many of whom he was still in regular contact with at the time of his sad passing. Don and Cliff were also member of the group of club pals who went to Paris on alternate years to watch the England International, affectionately known as the Chingford Right Arm Party or (CRAP for short). Another lovely man from a bygone era at the club who played and served it well. Thank you Don you'll be sadly missed.

These two past members epitomise the values of the rugby family and especially the CRFC rugby family which we all know still exists today.

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