Deeside Phoenix JFC Under 6
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Team info

Deeside Phoenix JFC Under 6

The Under 5's are just beginning their Football Journey.

Was your Son or Daughter born between 1/9/2010 and 31/8/2011 then come and give it a go.

Wednesday 6pm to 7pm at Connah's Qu...

Deeside Phoenix JFC Under 6
Deeside Phoenix JFC Under 6
Deeside Phoenix JFC Under 6

About the team

The Under 5's are just beginning their Football Journey.

Was your Son or Daughter born between 1/9/2010 and 31/8/2011 then come and give it a go.

Wednesday 6pm to 7pm at Connah's Quay 3G Pitch at the High School

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Wales and West Housing