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Fawley Rugby Club

The Mini-Midi Players (U6-7, 8, 9, 10 & 11), train and play at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily) on Sundays between 09.30 or 10:30 and noon. Where possible some age groups will train on a Wednesday night 6pm – 7pm (email for details).

The Juniors Squads (U12, Girls, U13, 14, 15), train and play games at Gang Warily on a Sunday between 10am and 12 noon at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily). On occasion, they play games on Sunday afternoons. Where possible some age groups will train on a Wednesday night 7pm – 8pm (email for details).

The Juniors Squad (U16), train and play games at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily) on a Sunday between 10am and 12 Noon. On occasion they play games on Sunday afternoons. They also train on a Tuesday night 7.30pm – 9pm.

The Colts Squad - More information to follow
For more information, please email

Ladies train Thursday evening 6.30pm - 7.30pm.

The Seniors train at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily) on a Tuesday between 7-00pm and 9-00pm and play games on Saturday afternoons at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily).

The Walking Rugby Team train at Newlands Park (opposite Gang Warily) on Thursday 7pm-8pm

For more information, please email

We are currently seeking sponsorship and support from local businesses to help with funding and the construction of a club house at Newlands Park.

Please contact if you can help us.