Gateshead Storm and RFL Safegurding policy 11 of 15

11. Tackle It!

Tackle It!
Gateshead Storm Community Rugby League Club acknowledges its responsibility in line with the principles of Tackle It!
Zero Tackle – Zero Tolerance
▪ The Club has a policy of ZERO TOLERANCE of racism in any form
First Tackle - Policies
▪ The Club has made a commitment to ensuring that players, spectators, staff and volunteers can enjoy an environment free of discrimination and racism and has the written policies, regulations and conditions in place to support this commitment.
Second Tackle – Communication
▪ The Club has nominated a senior member of staff or Officer to take a lead on its policies on racial equality and has published its policies, ground regulations and other documents which support the Club’s commitment. This should be the designated CWO
▪ The club also commits to using all available means within its ground to communicate its anti racism stance including programme & scoreboard notices and PA announcements (when applicable)
Third Tackle – Prevention
▪ The Club undertakes to Prevent spectators who take part in racist chanting, abuse or harassment from attending matches at their grounds and will ensure that any spectator who takes part in racist chanting, abuse or harassment is ejected from the ground - where an individual cannot be identified warnings should be issued with the ultimate sanction that the game be abandoned.
▪ The club also commits to take specific action in line with the club’s policy against players, officials or spectators who engage in racist chanting or abuse or harassment
Fourth Tackle – Education & Procedures
▪ The Club will adopt the RFL Equality Statement and ensure that Equality and Diversity training is delivered to all relevant staff.
Fifth Tackle – Partnership & Diversity
▪ The Club will undertake to co-operate to their best endeavours with BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) community leaders, groups, agencies, and media outlets as they seek to promote awareness of ethnicity and associated inclusion issues and to combat racism and to ensure that development strategies reflect the need to encourage involvement in Rugby League across all communities including black and minority ethnic communities
Sixth Tackle – The Outcome
▪ The Club is committed to ensuring Rugby League is a truly inclusive, uncompromising, family game.