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Note from the Chair

Note from the Chair

Simon Fletcher1 Sep 2019 - 20:00
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Welcome back everyone!

It is somehow the beginning of September with summer seeming to have disappeared in the blink of an eye, but I hope you have all had a great break and are looking forward to the new junior and youth football season.

A warm welcome to everyone new to the club this year including all those starting out in our nursery age groups, we hope that the children will enjoy their football with Littleton.

Whilst the summer gives us a break from football, there is still a lot of work which goes on behind the scenes in preparation for the new season. This warrants a big thank you to all the following:
- Laura and Anna (Treasurers) for all the administration of the player database including setting up memberships and subs. The membership fees have been held at £160 for this season which we feel represents great value. We have also included the option to pay in two instalments and a discount for the nursery age groups (under 6s and under 7s). Thank you to all those who have signed up and paid already, the funds are important to enable the club to operate and we would be grateful if all outstanding subs could be paid promptly.
- Colin (Club Secretary) for team and player registrations which I think are now largely complete but if not please get any outstanding forms to your team manager as soon as possible
- Sean (Kit Officer) for managing all the kit and equipment needs for over 500 players which is no small task
- Tim (Development Officer) for overseeing the FA Level 1 training for a number of our coaches in July
- Giles (Club Welfare Officer) for all the administration to bring new coaches into the club including DBS checks. This will, sadly for us, be Giles' last season with the club and we are very grateful for all his work as the CWO for a number of years. If you would be willing to consider taking on the CWO role or know someone who would be a good candidate do please let us know.
- Paul (Vice-Chair and Facilities Officer) for overseeing the jigsaw puzzle which is pitch planning and also arranging Saints coaches who provide valuable coaching support across the club.

Paul has also been very busy recently working on re-branding the club, you will have seen the fantastic new logo and lighter blue colour giving the club a more modern feel. There is more to come in the near future with a brand new website.

We will send through some dates for diaries this year including the annual fundraising quiz which was sadly cancelled in May but will return next spring. In the meantime, please come and see us next Saturday (7th September) at the Littleton & Harestock Show which takes place at the Rec from 12pm. There's an opportunity to see if you have the fastest shot or try your luck against a club goalkeeper!

I spend most Saturday mornings at Henry Beaufort training so hope to see many of you there. It is genuinely fantastic to see the hundreds of children playing and enjoying football with smiles on faces in the spirit of our club ethos of Football, Friendship, Fun.

Lastly, I wish all our teams a great start to the season. Go Littleton!


Further reading