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Market Drayton Pre-Season Update from Manager Dan Stevens

Market Drayton Pre-Season Update from Manager Dan Stevens

Cameron Hignett3 Jul 2020 - 20:37
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MDTFC Pre-Season

It’s been a strange few months and is a unique situation for us all returning to football in these circumstances not knowing exactly when a proper pre-season can start let alone the league commencing.

It needs to therefore be planned effectively and I feel we are getting the balance right with our schedule for the next two months. In my opinion, over burdening lads, ahead of what will be an intense, shorter season is counter productive especially with the commitment that is going to be needed with all midweek slots likely to be filled with fixtures.

Looking forward, we start with the vast majority of the good squad of players that we assembled in the closing months that finished the last season so emphatically at Wisbech.

Financially, football at all levels has been decimated by coronavirus and we all have our part to play, coaches and players especially, to help clubs like ours survive and prosper.

With that in mind in terms of recruiting players the door is always open. I'm looking for players driven only by ambition. Players that solely put football at the forefront of their objectives and who can confidently outline to me what they feel they would bring to this football club to improve it.

I would therefore urge anyone who feels they match that criteria above to initiate discussions with me via any of the clubs social media channels or contact me via any of mine personally.

Pre-season starts Tue 7th July @MDTFC 645pm & will continue each Tuesday until further guidelines & a confirmed season start date.

Further reading