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Roll Up! For The Magical Mez-tery Tour

Roll Up! For The Magical Mez-tery Tour

Neil Spofforth13 Aug 2015 - 12:20
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There have been some Hard Days and Nights this summer, but Town are ready.

The club may have to shop down Penny Lane at the minute but the players brought in it is hoped the squad will Come Together and Let It Be a good 2015/2016

With little more than 48 hours to the big kick-off, Assistant Manager Dave Merris has taken time to assess what has been a long pre-season.

Merris says, “So far we have had a positive and productive preseason with a mixture of good results and performances. Even the games where the results didn't go our way, it gave us a good insight into areas for development and any slight adaptions in how we want to play”.

“From the work the players have put in throughout pre season we hope to hit the ground running and use this weeks training to make any final changes ready for the first home game of the session”.

“The current squad is full of talented and determined young lads who have built up a great togetherness and have the potential to do great things this year”.

Further reading