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Round 8 - Rebels defeat Toronto Dingos

Round 8 - Rebels defeat Toronto Dingos

Phillip Wild23 Jul 2017 - 20:57
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The Rebels smashed the Dingos by 116 points in an excellent all-round team display at Humber College South.

The Rebels hit a humid summer's day at Humber College South with a spring in their step, having yet to register a defeat in season 2017. Today's opponent, the Toronto Dingos, had displayed some mixed form so far and would have to be at their best to compete with the rampaging Rebels.

Today's team sported a new look with Stubbe 2.0, aka Jordan "Tonka" Stubbe playing a Canadian cameo, and a few big names either on loan to the opposition or enjoying the Canadian summer elsewhere. Luckily, this didn't seem to bother the Rebels in the first quarter as they broke out of the blocks with a six goals to none opening salvo. Digga was on fire early with half a dozen marks and four goals in the first 20 minutes.

The second term was a carbon copy of the first, and with a scoreline of 74 to 3 at half time the game was already beyond the Dingos. There were many promising signs on the Rebels side with Digga and Fabbri dominating up forward, the backline controlling the play, and the midfield getting the upper hand in the clearances.

Highlighting our depth, we swung Digga into the middle in the second half, with SOS becoming our deep option, and he took full advantage in the third with a couple of majors. The one-two punch of Stubbe and Duncan was proving a lot for the Dingos to handle as they stemmed the tide slightly, but had still failed to score a major at three quarter time. On the international side of things, Chris "Daisy" Day and Nick "Shally" Shalagan were starting to provide real contributions across the half forward line, culminating with the former's first goal in the OAFL.

In the last quarter there was little to play for but pride on the Dingos side, but the boys wanted to go into next week with a full head of steam, and they did just that with five goals to two to finish the game.

Although the opposition wasn't particularly strong, this was one of the best four-quarter efforts by the Rebels all year. With contributors across the board, there may be a few selection headaches for coach Bodzy come September. While the likes of Digga and Ash were clearly in the mix for best on ground, the increasing contributions of Daisy, Shags, Calf and many others gives a lot of promise for the future as well. Last but not least, special thanks to Razor, Matty and Rob who played a full game for the opposition to ensure we could get a game going. They were no doubt amongst the Dingos' best, and helped us get a solid hitout instead of a forfeit.

Next week, it's the late game against Hamilton who gave us plenty of trouble last time around.

Toronto Rebels 21.6.132 def
Toronto Dingos 2.4.16

A word from our sponsor, Duffy Group.

Duffy Group & Associates are a strategic real estate advisory firm that focus on tenant representation. Founded in 2013 by Kevin Duffy, who has been a Rebel for many, many years, they pride themselves in designing and executing best-in-class real estate solutions that match seamlessly with our client’s unique business goals. Kevin and his team are simply awesome at what they do and are a great part of the Rebels family.

Thanks Duffy for the support and we hope to have Duffy Group as part of the Rebels team for many years to come.

Learn more about the Duffy Group.

Further reading