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Updated: SRC Covid information

Updated: SRC Covid information

Louis Mann16 Dec 2020 - 13:30
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Here's where you can find all the relevant information regarding the club's policies with regards to Covid-19

Shelford Rugby Club is committed to delivering best practice when it comes to following guidelines surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Click Here to see Shelford Rugby Club's relevant Covid-19 policy documents.

Dear Club Members,

There have been some changes to the club's Covid-19 policies and procedures as a result of tier and RFU guideline changes. These are to keep all of our members and visitors safe whether playing rugby, spectating or using the facilities.

  • The rule of six applies throughout the club, inside and out. Members are currently unable to use the clubhouse apart from the toilets and the shop due to tier 2 restrictions. The rule of six does not apply to players or coaches during training sessions and matches where the RFU Return to Rugby guidelines are being strictly adhered to (please see covid policies on the website)
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times within the clubhouse (including the toilets).
  • Food is currently served from the external hatch. Payment is cashless only. Please walk away from the hatch when served.
  • The bar is currently closed.
  • The changing rooms are now allowed to be used by adult players in some circumstances and will be open by the decision of the committee under strict covid secure guidelines. The changing room policy can be found under covid policies on the website.
  • You must not car share with anyone from outside your household or support bubble to or from Shelford RC.
  • You must not travel to Shelford RC from a tier 3 area.
  • NHS QR Code posters continue to be present all around the club and grounds. Please download the NHS app and scan the code to check yourself in when you arrive at the club. If you do not have the app then your details will be taken separately and retained for 21 days.
  • A one way system is in place inside and around the clubhouse. Please enter the building by using the main clubhouse doors (near the hatch) and exit by using the external door next to the Women's changing rooms only.
  • Sanitize your hands on entry to the clubhouse and at regular intervals. Either wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds or use the hand sanitizing dispensers which have been installed near all entrance and exit points of the clubhouse.
  • Social Distancing of one metre plus is to be observed at all times both inside and outside of the clubhouse whether you are queuing for the external hatch, club shop, or when watching pitch-side.
  • Covid marshals will be present on Saturday and Sunday training sessions and fixtures to ensure that the one way system and social distancing regulations are being observed.
  • We are now at Stage E of the Return to Rugby Roadmap. This means that matches may be played with adapted contact.

Our club's Covid-19 policies are constantly being updated and can be found on the website here.

Please do not come to the club if you have any Covid-19 related symptoms; High Temperature, Persistent Cough, Loss of Taste or Smell. If you have been told to self isolate for any reason, such as being in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or returning from a country within the quarantine zone, you must not return to the club, even if you have tested negative within the 10 day period. If you test positive for covid-19 within 48 hours of attending the club, please contact Tony Roberts or Emma Birkby

We would like to thank you for your continued support and patience while we all adapt to the constant changes. The continued health and safety of our members and staff remain our number-one priority, and we thank you all for playing your part by following the guidelines.

Many thanks,

Tony, Annaleaza and Emma
Your Club's Covid-19 Team

Further reading