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Get to know the player!

Get to know the player!

Steven Kenny18 Feb - 14:48
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Next up is the biggest little man Josh Baynes!

What's your full name? Josh Baynes

What's your position? Winger

What's your height? 5,9
What's your weight? 56kg

Who have you played for before Shields? No one

Where are you from? South Shields

Best friend at the club? Taylor Burn

Who do you sit next to in the changing room? Taylor Burn

Who has the worst dress sense? David 'DeeJay' Jackson

Who's the best Dancer? Lewis Wilson

Best Rugby experience? Robbo flashing

Worst Rugby experience? Dislocated shoulder

What's your favourite Movie? Pineapple Express

What's your favourite Series? Rick and morty

What's your favourite food? Burger

What's your favourite drink? Lemon Fanta

Go to Alcoholic drink? Neck oil

Xbox or Playstation? Xbox

What's your favourite game? GTA 5

Which football do you support? Newcastle

Favourite Singer/ Band? Nines

Go to Karaoke song? Still dre

Go to joke? Hear about the new restaurant called karma? There’s no menu, you get what you deserve

And lastly who's the longest in the shower? Me

Further reading