Round 1 Catchup: Rebels defeat Ottawa Swans

By Phillip Wild

The Toronto Rebels defeated the Ottawa Swans by 64 points in a dominant display at Humber College Lakeshore.

Rd 1 Make-up game: Rebels defeat the Swans in a Grand Final replay.

In one of the most anticipated games of the 2017 season, the Rebels came away with a resounding victory on a breezy day down at Humber South. This game was a make-up game from the washed out first round and both teams came out with strong lineups which was impressive on a long weekend.

Captain Scuba won the coin toss and elected to have the boys kick with a 2 to 3 goal wind in the first quarter. The Rebels were expecting it to be a hot start but they quickly overcame this and got off to a flyer with Hegsy drifting down from defence to run into an open goal to get things off and running. From that moment the Rebs took over, playing much of the quarter in their half with Digga and SOS both proving to be great targets up front and giving their opponents plenty to think about.

¼ time score: Rebels 5.4.34 to Swans 0.0.0

With the Swans now kicking with the breeze and regrouping at the quarter time break, the Rebels knew this was going to be a tough quarter. Coach Bodz made some moves to sure up the midfield and defence and they withstood some really strong pressure from the Swans. Calf was battling for everything in the ruck and the workhorses Tommy and Hands were providing the intensity and effort that has seen them become an important part of the team. The Rebels did generate some solid scoring chances into the breeze but were unable to cash in some easy opportunities.

½ time score: Rebels 6.7.43 to Swans 0.2.2

The third quarter saw the teams trade some goals, but the Rebels eventually got on top with Chris (Buddy) slotting some nice goals from the midfield and Digga was again marking most of the balls in the forward half. The backline was under a bit more pressure but the likes of Scuba and the up and coming Riley were keeping things at bay. The Swans did manage to get a couple of majors but the Rebels got 5 more to put the game beyond reach for the final change.

¾ time scores: Rebels 11.9.75 to Swans 2.2.14

The final quarter saw things slow down a bit after a strong contested match all day. A majority of the quarter was battled out in the midfield with Twoba starting to get back into some form after a couple weeks off. Ash ran out a solid game and Buddy finished off his best game with the club with his 4th goal. This was solid all round team performance and the Rebels look forward to having another crack at the Swans in Ottawa in 2 weeks' time.

Final Score: Rebels 13.10.88 defeated Swans 3.6.24
Goals: Buddy 4, Digga 3, Ash 2, Duffy 1, Twoba 1, Hegs 1 and Scuuuuba 1.

Updated 06:44 - 2 Sep 2019 by Rick Burns

Where next?

Round 11 - Rebels vs Ottawa Swans The Rebels make a successful road trip up to Ottawa.
Round 8 - Rebels defeat Toronto Dingos The Rebels smashed the Dingos by 116 points in an excellent all-round team display at Humber College South.

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