The Committee
Frequently Asked Questions 4 of 4

4. The Committee

The Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month and discusses ideas, financial, coaching, management and child protection issues that arise within the Academy.

Parents who wish to raise an issue for review at a committee meeting can use the 'Ask the Committee' section on the website forum, or bring it to the attention of their team manager or a serving committee member.

Any Child protection issues should be raised with the team manager or Child Protection Officer immediately. Contact details are available in the 'Contact' section of the website.

The committee consists of the head coach, age group managers and the nominated roles of Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer, club secretary, fixtures secretary, registrations secretary and child protection officer.

Nominated roles are filled by parents that are voted in by the Academy members/parents on a bi-annual basis. These roles are voluntary and receive no financial benefit either through payment or membership fee discount.

Team management positions for every age group are decided on a yearly basis. An email is sent to members asking if they wish to nominate themselves to manage an age group in which their child plays and make their intentions known to the current/departing team manager.

Any parent that wishes to nominate themselves for a nominated role that is available, or up for election, can do so by contacting the chairperson or vice chairperson. If more than one person nominates themselves for a role then a vote will take place at the Annual General Meeting which takes place in July. All available positions, or those up for election, will be publicised on the website in the run up to the AGM.

The attached documents serve to highlight the committee structure and the roles each role plays within the committee.


Committee Roles and Responsibilities


Committee Structure Chart
