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Walking Rugby

Walking Rugby

Kimberley Jamieson6 Sep 2022 - 16:33
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Spread the word - Community Day Time Sessions

Walking Rugby was on of our summer successes and has continued to be popular on Friday Nights, bringing new members to the club from all areas of the community. We've highlighted the health benefits, physically and mentally with testimonies from our current Walking Rugby players.

We are now introducing a new Daytime Session for the Community to take part in, these sessions will be indoor at the Garioch Sport Centre. Our sessions will be run by Our club Development Officer Nikki Simpson.

Talking about the new format of the game with Nikki, we asked her what we could expect from the sessions - " The sessions will be open to the the Garioch Community and wider Aberdeenshire area, we have reached out to mental health groups as we believe Walking Rugby can provide benefits to improving or maintaining your mental health. Our sessions will be fun and relaxed, providing an opportunity for people to get active at their own pace. Walking rugby provides a chance for everyone to be on a level playing field and explore movements that they feel comfortable with at walking pace"

We know from our Garioch Walking Group that they all thoroughly enjoy their Friday Night Sessions, we hope you'll help us spread the word to get the message out there in the community about our New Daytime sessions.

11am -1pm
Garioch Sports Centre
Free of Charge
No Booking Required

Further reading