Minutes of Meetings 3 of 8

3. March 2012

Old Williamsonians RFC

MGM – 08/03/12

1. Apologies For Absence - MW, TF, JC, JW, SB, MCL
In attendance - CD, CN, AS, DP, DH, AL

2. Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 01/02/12 –Two changes made to minutes. One was the correction of the word shirts to shorts and one was the omission of a repeated sentence. DONE by DH, all minutes now on website.

Matters Arising – Red Card – C, B – Still no news.

Kent Referee Complaint – CN told committee that he was not happy with two previously refereed matches by the same referee. His comments to the referee with regards to matters on the pitch were ignored and he felt that he was not shown the respect a captain deserves on the pitch. Our side accumulated a number of cards in the two games for offences the opposition also committed but which resulted in no further action against the opposing sides. CN spoke in length about his concerns after the game to the referee which yet again fell on deaf ears. CN felt that the card, with constructive criticism on, may not arrive at its destination. AS was to follow this up and check it arrived. DONE – AS spoke to David Clent (Kent Referees Society Chair) and asked what happens to match cards? After email exchange AS received the statement, that the said referee would no longer referee O.W.R.F.C fixtures as he was being fast tracked to bigger and better things.

Shepherd Neame Awards Dinner – Thursday 10th May 2012 – x2 people plus Kent Cup Draw £10 entry. No one is going to attend from the Club and we are not going to enter the Kent Cup.

3. Match reports – M.C.L down as person to get match reports into the newspaper by Sunday lunchtime. DH to have a word with him. ONGOING – DH and MCL have not spoken on this matter. DH sent a report of Bexley game into paper and very frustrated with coverage. Headline was for Medway, photo was for Anchorians and out of 4 half page columns O.W.R.F.C had 5 lines.

4. Training – Indoors training on a Thursday night has been having around 15 plus players. It is limited to what we can do because of space but numbers have picked up. Sessions can be split into fitness and backs/forwards work. Can carry on to the end of the season and then have a review. ACTION – Last session – Thursday April 12th.

5. Finance - inc Six Nations and Fiji Game – The Fiji game is to be promoted within the Youth section as tickets are 2 for 1 with juniors. All 6 nation game tickets were used. CD was able to get rid of Wales’s game tickets and said Ireland game was all on track. Autumn internationals will be sent out to clubs with ticket allowance in June/July with a request form.
Also noted that a couple of players have been racking up non payments of games and this needs to be sorted out. The idea was discussed that if the bills are not paid or contributions made towards them that some players may be unable to attend the End of Season Dinner. ACTION – T.B.C at next meeting.

6. Youth inc Youth Committee
Kent Festivals – U13s Medway 18th March U15s Dartfordians 25th March
DH to chase up contacts at Medway RFC and Dartfordians RFC with regards to tournament arrangements. All players to be advised on parking, timings, dress code etc. CD to referee at Dartfordians. DH to arrange for a ref to do Medway RFC.
DH mentioned that from September it is hoped that a new U7/U8 team will be set up coached by Andy Arnold – a parent.
DH and Youth Committee to organise an End of Season Day/Evening do with awards to be handed out.
DONE - Both Tournaments took place and DH to report back.

7. Tour/Social – S,B unable to attend but spoke over the phone with regards to End of Season Dinner arrangements. We are looking at a Saturday in May either the 5th, 19th or 26th. Not the 12th as that is London 7s.
As a price we talked about £35 per head with the intention not to make a profit but to cover costs. No wine to be included in the price either as those that want wine can buy it yourself. SB is going to go back to the 4 hotels he has been speaking to with the dates and price and see what he can do. AS is going to speak to a contact he has at a hotel as well.

7. A.O.B –

Next Season – was discussed about what to do for next season with the loss of three key players including a prop forward. CN also said that if someone else would like to take over as captain he is more than happy to step down and continue as a player, after two years at the helm. CN also said that he would continue to be captain if no one came forward. ACTION – On Agenda for next meeting.

J.W Testimonial game – DH is sorting out raffle prizes. AS to sort out the DJ. DH to sort out the gladiator joust.
RH has volunteered to run the BBQ. ONGOING.

Shirt Costs – casual shirts – J,C is on the case and A,L has found a shorts supplier. Will liaise with each other.

J.C to have his 40th Birthday celebrations at Dartfordians RFC on Friday 6th July. ACTION – JC has set up a facebook page and sent out invites to birthday bash. DH has set up an Event page on club website.

New club shirts needed for next season. AS to see whether Swain and Sons are willing to do two year shirt sponsorship again.

With nothing else to discuss the Meeting finished at 10.09pm.
Next meeting will be Thursday April 5th at 9.00pm.