Minutes of Meetings 7 of 8

7. September 2011

Type or copyCD to email DH details and to be put onto club website. DONE.

iii) Old Wills Magazine – Mr Mold replaced by Chris Loizou. More image content. General statement. 1st XV, 2nd XV reports plus Thames photo to add. U14, U12 season reports plus 2 photos to add. Contact details added. To be sent to Albert Johnson, O.W.C Secretary. DONE.

iv) Lighting – DH spoke to Hockey section regarding use of astro turf pitch. New coach in place and is hopeful of large turnout so possibly a no on joint arrangement. DONE NOT HAVING.
JC to speak to GL about lighting.
CD contacted school? CD awaiting reply from school.
DH sent Club Grant Scheme to CD for floodlights – CD to speak to school about looking for a grant.

v) Thames match result – 22-19 lost.
Training – Fitness, Decision making. Mix it up. Need more people attending. General consensus is that sessions are well planned. TF to send weekly texts. DONE.

vi) Membership Pricing Policy on website Inc Senior/Youth and 200 club – amended on CD remarks. DONE.

4) Old Gs Tournament – Runners Up - £100 cheque.

5) Annual Golf Day – Upchurch Golf Club again. Date T.B.C early 2012 so as not to disappoint. More to play rather than drive buggies.

6) Annual Dinner – All recipients paid. 45 in total charged at £30 ph except School boy X1. May dinner for all.

7) Youth
Seal of Approval – Had meeting with Andy Pratt on Wednesday 24th August. Our bid is looking good. Policies all in place. CRB’s being done, courses to be booked and then gathering it all together. It is anticipated by Andy and me that we will be signed off this side of Xmas.

Youth Registration Day – Sunday 18th September – DONE.
fixtures in place for U15 and U13 squads. Numbers – U15s – 15
U13s – 17
Youth training all summer and picked up lots of new players. Mainly for new U12 squad. It is hoped that we can arrange a fixture before Xmas if numbers are there.
Will enter the Kent festival for all three teams for March/April. £60pt by Dec.
T.B.D on numbers by mid November.

Youth Committee – Sunday 188h September – set up with help of players, committee and most importantly parents. DONE.

8) Jon White Testimonial Day – JW Select XV vs. Rest of Medway
Match, bar, bbq, raffle, bouncy castle/duel challenge – fun day.
25 years recognition. Date chosen as April 14th after Askeans RFC home game.

9) A.O.B – Dream Team Fantasy League. ONGOING.
Clubhouse refurbishment – DONE.
Sat 24th Sep/Tues 6th March no access to school.

DP has balls x3 and will give when back from holidays.
DH to speak to school about posts staying up for JW Testimonial.
Kit – CN to find out kit needs. – socks/shorts from JC.

Use of battlebus for away games. DONE so far.

CN suggested rota for 1st XV shirts – DH willing to do shirts. DONE.
To be done at home for £10 to do (2 loads)

17th JC is away. JC wants a fixture. CN to speak to AS. – DIDN’T HAPPEN.

AS to inform away sides of lack of parking.