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Club Announcement - Alan Smith and David Sempers Pass Away

Club Announcement - Alan Smith and David Sempers Pass Away

Roger Keegan1 May 2020 - 14:33
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We are sad to announce the passing in April of two great Club Stalwarts in Alan Smith and David Sempers.

It is with great sadness that we are mourning the loss in April this year of David Sempers and Alan Smith, two SRUFC icons, both of whom were Life members awarded for exceptional services to the club, both were Past Presidents and generous, as well as avid supporters.

David Sempers was 1st XV captain in early 1960's was elected an Abbeydale Sports Club director in 1970's (during which period he organised extension of club house and family room including the considerable fund raising) and served on SRUFC Committee spanning 4 decades including being our membership secretary.

Alan Smith passed away peacefully in his sleep at Loxley Court Nursing Home at 4 am on the 30th April. He joined the club from Heaton Moor RUIFC in Stockport in 1966, when he became the Bank Manager of Williams & Deacons branch at the bottom of the Moor, which eventually became The Royal Bank of Scotland. He started the 100 club shortly afterwards and ran it and centenary club now 400 club for almost half a century! A banker, he took good care of the Club’s finances and was also Chair of Social and Finance for many years, sitting on the Committee in that capacity.

Al bought a flat on Moorbank Road, Sheffield 10 in the 1960’s and quickly fell amongst thieves in the shape of Brian Firth, Chris Ball, Brian Clarke, John Ashcroft, (John`s dad ran the Bell Hagg) and others. Al was a good football player but he quickly switched to the Rugby club and the drinking! Although, not a great rugby player himself, he was very proud at having scored a try for the 3rd team and would take great delight in recounting the fact to us all at regular intervals. He was however a good snooker player, and he found a perfect ally in Joe Brown (Steward of the Club at the time) with whom he had many games and lock ins at Abbeydale Club.

He became a Life Member of the club and then President in 2004/2006, for which he was immensely proud, not missing one home or away 1st XV game, and watching the minis & Juniors on a Sunday and most of the ladies’ home games.

Unfortunately, Al was diagnosed with Alzheimer`s approximately 5 years ago, and a subsequent stroke nearly three years ago took him away from the Rugby club and into care. He was a single man of 85 and all those that knew him, especially his close friends, knew him as a very generous and kind hearted man, who besides being able to drink you under the table, as one of his nicknames Al "the sink" Smith alluded to, would always be willing to help you out.

Al was a true club man. He is in a better place now, but will be sorely missed by all who knew him, and especially by the "Boys on Tour."

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