200 Club 18 of 25

18. 200 Club Newsletter 6, July 2017.

Dear Members,

Not much to report this month except the June 2017 winners and that the 200 Club Committee have been busy discussing how to spend the allocation to RRFC.

The June 2017 Winners are :
£100 – Mike Spooner – a Walking Rugby player and relatively new Club member
£50 – Derek Mellor – a long standing Club member. A former VP and Senior Player. If my memory serves me correctly, he was Captain of the 3rds or 4ths at some stage in his playing career.
£25 – Bob Pendleton – 1st XV Centre in the late 70’s, Master of the Half-Break, Captain of the Wanderers 1980-81. Fixture Secretary for many years and Honours Cap 1992-93.

Well done to our 3 winners for this month and our thanks for supporting the 200 Club and RRFC.
As you will all know 50% of the money raised from the 200 Club is given back to the Club for specific projects that will help the Club move forwards.

The committee had its latest meeting on July 6th to discuss the allocation of 200 Club funds to RRFC. More news to come later.

This will be in addition to the £230 for Tackle Skin Wedges for the 1st Team Squad and their new Coach Ben Wills.

Contact : Graham Lyke - glyke@hotmail.com – for any information about the 200 Club.